Genkord contributes to biotechnology research with many reputable institutions and scientists in Turkey. Genkord has received incentives from Tübitak and has studies in the field of Tissue Engineering with Hacettepe University Bioengineering Department.
In addition, it provides cryopreservation services in line with special needs and demands.
Founded in 2003, Genkord has been serving continuously as the first and most experienced cord blood bank in Boğaziçi University Life Sciences campus between 2010-2014.
We serve as the centre that performs the most cord blood transplantation in Turkey.

Genkord in 4 Steps
Our quality system is directly related to good manufacturing practices (GMP).
Board of Directors
Genkord’s partners cumulatively have over 50 years of experience in both clinical research and healthcare management.

If you are expecting, you have an amazing opportunity to store stem cells during labour.
An increasing number of cord blood stem cell transplants worldwide.
Stem Cell Treatment Process
- Step 1: It starts with a free phone consultation with one of our experienced Stem Cell Treatment Specialist who will listen to your history and take you through treatment options and prices.
- Step 2: If you qualify for a procedure, you will send your medical records to our doctors for their review.
- Step 3: And then you will have an online interview with the doctor to discuss the treatment plan and the exact price.
- Step 4: Next, we have our patient concierge representative assist with all the travel logistics, including the travel from the airport to our luxurious resort.
- Step 5: You will stay at a five star hotel.
- Step 6: Visit the medical office for your procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions
Cord blood contains erythrocytes, leucocytes, plasma and platelets as well as plenty of young CD34+ stem cells (blood stem cells). In addition, the plasma it contains carries important factors that ensure the proliferation of stem cells in our body and the strengthening of our immune system. It is also a source for blood transfusion in emergencies in the newborn period.
Cord blood is used in the treatment of many diseases such as leukaemia, thalassaemia, lymphoma, sickle cell anaemia, aplastic anaemias, immunodeficiency. In addition to these diseases, cord blood is also used in the treatment of more than 80 diseases such as autism, serabral palsy, remotoid arteritis, diabetes. Source for disease list: https://www.cb-association.org/indications-for-utilization-of-stored-umbilical-cord-blood
New clinical studies indicate that stem cells derived from cord blood and cord tissue can also be used in muscle diseases such as DMD.
There are many cord blood banks that store cord blood and they all prefer different methods. Some banks prefer to freeze the cord blood as it is, while others follow different methods and ensure that the stem cells are separated and frozen. We store the stem cells in cord blood by separating them.
Cord blood collection kit is delivered to the family 1 month in advance. The collected cord blood is placed in the kit and delivered to Genkord Laboratories. Cord blood must be delivered to Genkord Laboratories within 36 hours after collection.
Whether the birth is normal or caesarean section has no influence on cord blood collection and storage. Only in the case of a normal delivery, please inform your doctor about hygienic blood collection.
Cord blood must be taken at least 80 ml. The amount of cord blood affects the number of stem cells in it.
Although the storage period of cord blood for autologous (personalised) purposes is 12 years in the “Cord Blood Regulation” published by the Ministry of Health in 2005, it has been scientifically shown that the sources do not deteriorate over 25 years when stored with liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees.
Your child’s “Cord Blood” is secured by Allianz, the world’s largest insurance company.