Prof. Dr. Gursel TURGUT
Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Facial and Maxillofacial Surgery
Born in 1969, Dr Gürsel Turgut graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 1992. Between 1992 and 1994, he worked as the responsible football team doctor of Galatasaray Sports Club. He resigned from his short residency in E.U. Sports Medicine and completed his specialisation in Aesthetic Plastic Surgery in Şişli Etfal Hospital, Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Clinic in 2000. In 2010, he received the title of associate professor in the same branch and in 2015 he received the title of professor.
In 1998, he spent some time in Cologne-Germany and in 1999 in Hamburg at Berufgenossenchaftliches Unfallkrankenhaus Handchirurgie for training purposes. In 2003, he performed free flap and emergency facial trauma operations in the Division of Maxillofacial Surgery clinic in Belgium where he worked as a surgeon and increased his experience in Facial-Jaw Surgery. In 2004, he visited New York University School of Medicine Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, UNC College of Dentistry Division of Maxillofacial Surgery in North Carolina and Mount Sinai School of Medicine Division of Maxillofacial Surgery in the USA to increase his experience. At the same time, in 2005, Genkord Stem Cell and Blood Bank with the first stem cell applications for the first time in Turkey for wound problems in the feet of diabetic patients.
Dr Turgut, who is responsible for the Aesthetic Surgery department of Istanbul Surgery and Liv-Ulus hospital, has carried out his operations as the latest ESTEWORLD PREMIUM DEPARTMENT MANAGER.
In 2010, he took over Genkord Stem Cell and Biotechnology Inc., where he conducted clinical researches, and continued his stem cell studies and developed his own patented Stem Cell Separation Device, Blood and Blood Products Separation Device and Apheresis Devices. Currently, it continues its research on Fat Stem Cells, Tissue Adhesives and Recombinant Factor 8 drug development through this device infrastructure. In 2021, he completed the device development project related to environment decontamination with Heromist Dry Fog System with Fark Holding and Cadem companies.
While realising 3D design and reverse engineering applications in Turkey for the first time in the production of personalised implants, face parts and epithesis, he has the largest case series and publications in the world in this field. Dr. Turgut Genkord, who has his own techniques in Face Lift, Nose Aesthetics, Breast Reduction, Ankle aesthetics and Microsurgery surgeries, continues his activities in the Stem Cell Centre and in a private centre.